Turning life’s setbacks into chances for growth.

From the Crack House to the State House

Meet Lisa Kratz-Thomas, a remarkable woman whose powerful story resonates with those facing adversity. Living a tough life on the streets of Washington D.C., she was once embroiled in dangerous and illegal activities. However, Lisa refused to let her past shape her future and transformed her struggles into an inspiring turnaround.

Overcoming drug addiction, prostitution, and incarceration, Lisa's story stands as a testament to the raw courage required for profound change. From her darkest moments emerged a beacon of hope, inspiring others to see beyond their circumstances.

From the streets to the esteemed state house in Virginia, Lisa's journey has been extraordinary. As part of a special Senate Sub-Committee, she focused on aiding those transitioning back into society after incarceration. This commitment to helping others mirrors her own transformation and cements her position as a leading authority in societal reentry post-prison.

What People are Saying

Books by Lisa Kratz Thomas


Lisa's life story stands as a powerful testament to the enduring truth that even in the face of challenges, the prospect of transformation and redemption remains steadfast. Her multifaceted roles as an author, speaker, and educator continue to kindle motivation and provide direction for those navigating their personal challenges. With unwavering determination, she dismantles the notion of "disposable lives," resolutely advocating the fundamental belief that every individual's life possesses inherent worth, and each person is deserving of the opportunity for growth, irrespective of their past.

Within the reentry community, Lisa emerges as an exceptional guiding light and invaluable asset, fervently advocating for the viability of fresh beginnings. Her steadfast determination and compelling narrative of surmounting shame and self-doubt serve as a wellspring of inspiration for those on their quest for self-discovery.

Invite Lisa to your next event!

Lisa is a remarkable speaker whose authenticity, honesty, and transparency are truly captivating. In her presentations, she fearlessly addresses the truth, delivering her messages with dignity and unwavering strength. She doesn't shy away from pointing out the need for change, and she provides clear, actionable steps towards achieving success. With a wealth of experience as a veteran in 12-step recovery, Lisa's commitment to her journey shines through as she continues to attend meetings, emphasizing the importance of staying grounded and genuine. Her words inspire others to embrace reality and embrace change with the same grace and determination she embodies.